
    Contractual Staff

    Give brief on process of engaging contractual teacher.

    • The Principal of KV will assess the requirement of teachers to be appointed on contract basis before the start of the academic session and get and approval of Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee (VMC).
      Requirement may be given wide publicity through local newspaper and also put on the notice board of the Vidyalaya.
    • The Selection Committee should be constituted with the approval of Chairman, Vidyalaya Management Committee (VMC). The selection should be strictly merit based on Interview and practical classroom observation.
    • The Selection Committee should consist of Chairman/Chairman Nominee, Principal, an eminent Educationist of the area and subject expert for TGTs/PGTs.

    What are the service rules to teachers engaged on contractual basis are as under contractual basis?

    Ans: The service rules to teachers engaged on contractual basis are as under:-

    • The teacher should possess the required educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment to the post.
    • Minimum and maximum age limit shall be 18 and 65 years respectively.
    • She/he would be engaged till such time the regular teacher joins or the end of the academic session, whichever is earlier.
    • Candidature of a contractual teacher who has served in a KV in a year may be considered in subsequent years(s) by selection committee for a fresh appointment as contractual teachers, by following due procedure.
    • The teachers engaged should be addressed by the Principal in Kendriya Vidyalaya’s and their formal acceptance to terms and conditions, attached to the offer, will be obtained.

    What are the duties of the Teacher engaged on contractual basis?

    • Regular classroom activity/copy checking.
    • Invigilation duty/Evaluation work.
    • Helping students and colleagues in preparation and organization of different curricular/Co curricular activities in the Vidyalaya.
    • Any other works assigned by the Principal time to time.
